
01422 847671

Salt Spray Testing Pricing

Corrosive Resistance Testing For Industrial Coatings

Salt Spray Testing – Our Simple Pricing Structure

Whilst the majority of companies offering a Salt Spray Testing service not only charge a setup fee but also for a minimum number of hours (usually 1000 hrs), we:

  • Charge a fixed price per hour of just £0.35p
  • Add no set-up costs
  • Have no minimum test duration
  • Charge per component, not to ‘rent’ the whole machine.

This means that during a research and development project, should there be a premature failure in a testing programme, which will be disappointing enough by itself, then there won’t be a large and unnecessary bill to compound the misery.

FOR EXAMPLE – the ‘standard price for 3 x panels for 1000 hours = £1050.00 However, should the panels fail at 250 hours, hopefully not, we would only charge for that duration: £262.50.


Extra Charges


The only extras we charge for are:

  • Daily photographs, sent via email
  • Daily updates on the test components
  • Daily feedback on the test components.

These are an additional £0.35ph.

Also, heavy components (above 3 kgs) are subject to a handling charge of £35.00/component.

There is also an extra charge for a sample return.